Title -: Palm Leaf Painting of Dual Lord Ganesh
Color -: Multi
Ideal for -: Home, office and Temple
Type -: Two pictures of Lord Ganesh
Item Weight -: 035 Grams
Material -: Palm Leaves
Design Type -: Palm leaves inside Ganesh Design
What is in the box -: 1 Piece of of palm leaves painting
Product Dimension -:
Height-: 44 Cms
Width -: 31 Cms
About the Product – : A Very Finely Carved With palm leaves inside Ganesh design with lord Ganesh by master crafts man of odisha. The painting with good looking and best quality for ever you can place it home ,office and Temple as per your requirement. We aim to cultivate an environment for the reservation and development of the artistic and cultural expressions of Odisha. Born out of sheer love and passion for all things Hand-made and Hand-crafted, we aim to celebrate Odisha crafts and craftsmen like never before. We want people to appreciate crafts and make hand crafted products part and parcel of their daily lives.