Title -: Odia Novel Parichaya written By Dr Pratibha Ray.
Type -: Odia Novel.
SKU Number -:SNT_S1503.
Availability -: In Stock.
Language -: Odia.
Author -: Dr. Pratibha Ray.
Publisher - : Adya Prakashanee.
Binding -: Hard.
Publication -: New Edition.
About the Book :- This book “Parichaya” written by Pratibha Ray is one of her best works. She has written the novel in 1979. In this novel, there is a conflict between the rural and urban life style. Eternal love rather than body enjoying-love has been skillfully and psychologically depicted in this novel.The readers will surely find the novel very interesting and worth reading.As a factionalist of great reputation Pratibha’s illustrative creativity has aided some new enticing features to the growth of the Indian literature in post-colonial and post-modern era. Considering cultural mind, social plot psychological mode, constructive-value based theme, figurative and poetic structure, dramatic presentation and coherence an affectionate reader can easily arrive at the conclusion that Pratibha Ray has displayed her communicative and consummate skills as a humanist - feminist writer.
Product - Parichay by Pratibha Ray, Novels by Pratibha Ray.