Abhinaba Khana Bachana Book Edited by Raghunath Rout

SKU: SNT_1315

Publisher: Satyanarayana Book Store
Author: Others
Sale priceRs. 205.00
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  • Name:- Abhinaba Khana Bachana in Odia.
  • Type -: Astrology.
  • SKU Number -: SNT_1315.
  • Language -: Odia.
  • Weight -: 100 Grams.
  • Dimension-: 18 X 12 X 2 CMs.
  • Number of Pages -: 140.
  • Publisher-: Satya Narayan Book store.
  • Translation -:  Pandit Raghunath Rout.
  • Binding -:   Paper.
  • Publication -: 2014 New Edition.
  • About the Book -: The legend of Khana also named Lilavati Life History ,she was married to the mathematician-astronomer Varahamihira, but it is far more widely believed that Khana was Varahamihira's daughter-in-law, and an accomplished astrologer, becoming thereby a potential threat to Varahamihira's scientific career. However, she exceeded him in the accuracy of her predictions, and at some point, either her husband or a hired hand or possibly Khana herself under great duress cut off her tongue to silence her prodigious talent. The main features of Khana's Bachans are agricultural wisdom or advice. Khana’s contribution in agriculture is unforgettable and is widely accepted by the farmers. Khana also included livestock and dairy farming as important tools for agriculture and livelihood. Advice given in Khana Bachana have not proven wrong in spite of so called agricultural advances made. The present book will throw light on ancient folk literature and merits of indigenous knowledge.

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