Manoj Das is an eminent bilingual writer who is a master of dramatic expression in both English and Odia literature. His writings reflect the different dimensions of human nature and his characters automatically follow the theme of the story. For his works, he got many recognition and awards like
- Kendra Sahitya Academy award in 1972
- Odisha Sahitya Academy award in 1965 and 1982
- Sarala Award in 1981
- Vishuba Award in 1986
- Sahitya Bharati Award in 1995
- Saraswati Samman in 2000
- Padma Shri in 2001
Although all the novels written by him are well acclaimed and famous, some of his major works include:
Shesha basantara chithi, 1966; Manoj Dasanka katha o kahani, 1971; Dhumabha diganta, 1971; Manojpancabimsati, 1977; (short stories); Tuma gam o anyanya kabita, 1992 (poetry); Sesha Tantrikara Sandhanare, 2018. His notable English works include: The crocodiles lady : a collection of stories, 1975, The submerged valley and other stories, Farewell to a ghost : short stories and a novelette, 1994; Cyclones, 1987, and A tiger at twilight, 1991.